Dach­decker SIMMLING

raise the roof!

Beautiful roofs ... is what you get at Dachdeckerei Simmling! We are a reliable partner in all marketing matters.

What we did


The roof silhouette in fresh green, the company name in woody brown, set in modern large letters - Simmling, a young master roofer with the highest quality standards. "Everything to do with roofs" (or "Alles rund ums Dach") fits harmoniously into the logo.

Car lettering

Simple but concrete. The logo in white letters on a dark green background, supplemented by the web address. The "We do apprenticeships" button is prominently displayed on the door and hood, with a list of benefits at the rear.


The CI is adhered to and the contact details are set in capital letters throughout. Special detail: on the stationery, the recessed roof silhouette on the back appears translucent as a watermark.


The responsive web design is based on simple navigation, individual web texts promote SEO and the emotional and dynamic visual language conveys competence, quality and creativity around the roof.

Storytime: Start-up with everything, please

Patrick Simmling became aware of die marketingarchitekten through a "Spezl" (*Bavarian for good acquaintance) – original quote: "I'd like what he has too, please!" No sooner said than done. Shortly after Mr. Simmling successfully passed his master craftsman's examination, he came to us with the intention of becoming self-employed as a roofer. We provided him with comprehensive coaching before he set up his business and never left his side during and after his start-up. The result is presentable and the all-round coherent corporate identity is no coincidence. From the logo and website to the company vehicle – you can see and feel that a new wind is blowing on the rooftops with Mr. Simmling.

die marketingarchitekten continue to support Dachdeckerei Simmling in search engine optimization and wish them all the best for the future!